Without using the capacity of foreign companies in the Iranian petrochemical industry, the gap between Iran and Saudi Arabia in petrochemical production will increase, and other competitors will also increase their share in the regional and global markets. In recent years, the export of petrochemical products from Iran has made …
Read More »How Western sanctions over Ukraine invasion could hit Russia’s energy sector
Analysis: Tightening sanctions could lead to a decline in Moscow’s share of Europe’s energy market. Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has posed several challenges for Western companies, with a growing list looking to exit Russia as international sanctions tighten. While Russian energy firms have not been sanctioned, a growing number of Western oil …
Read More »Exploring Alternatives to Russian Natural Gas, Europe Looks to the Gulf
Washington has deliberately increased its own LNG exports to Europe, and U.S. diplomats are trying to persuade Qatar to assist in meeting part of Europe’s natural gas needs, supporting the EU’s energy security as a traditional U.S. ally. The ongoing tensions in Europe between Russia and Ukraine have contributed to …
Becoming one of the countries with richest energy resources, Turkey can easily meet its domestic needs and play the role of Europe’s natural energy bridge as the European Union is one of the world’s top energy consumer. The discovery of new natural gas resources by Turkey in the Black Sea, …
Read More »A volatile year ahead for energy markets in the Middle East
Analysis: As the global economy recovers from Covid-19, oil production and prices are expected to surpass pre-pandemic levels. But with changing market dynamics and acceleration towards renewables, the energy market could be in for a volatile year. The economies of energy-producing countries in the Middle East will be heavily reliant …
Read More »New natural gas transit agreement: Applying energy diplomacy in Iran’s foreign policy?
The recent agreement on the transit of Turkmen natural gas through Iran to Azerbaijan can be considered a successful form of energy diplomacy during the Raisi presidency. The recent agreement on the transit of Turkmen natural gas through Iran to Azerbaijan can be considered a successful form of energy diplomacy …
Read More »Chalous Gas Field Unlikely To Make Iran A Big Supplier
With a potential output worth $450 billion over its first 20 years, Iran’s Chalous gas field in the Caspian Sea, raises issues of both finance and where the gas might sell. The field, whose discovery Iran proclaimed in June and which has perhaps 3.5 trillion cubic meters (m3) of gas, reportedly is part …
Read More »Will the energy crisis accelerate nuclear talks between Iran and the P4+1?
Iran’s energy, and especially its natural gas, will not have much potential to solve the global energy crisis, especially in Europe, and the energy crisis can not be used as a weapon by Iran to gain more concessions in the nuclear talks. As the world prepares to revive its economy …
Read More »The Uncertain Future of U.S.-Saudi Energy Relations
Saudi Arabia is undoubtedly concerned by Biden’s emphasis on addressing climate change since this would mean a drop in the demand for crude oil, the backbone of Saudi Arabia’s economy. The stability of global energy markets has long been a major factor in U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia. Riyadh’s potential to increase …
Read More »Turkey-Azerbaijan Link Fuels Iran’s Gas Dilemmas
Sitting on 17 percent of world gas reserves, Iran should have no trouble renewing a contract to supply gas to Turkey that expires in 2025. So why are there concerns in Tehran? As the Iranian Minister of Oil Javad Owji announced September, Iran faces a daily gas deficit of 200 million cubic …
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