Saturday , July 27 2024
  • My New Book

    US Energy Diplomacy in the Caspian Sea Basin: Changing Trends Since2001 - Available on Springer

  • My New Book

    US Energy Diplomacy in the Caspian Sea Basin: Changing Trends Since2001 - Available on Amazon

Recent Articles

Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions: U.S. and EU Strategies for the New President

Both the United States and the European Union have expressed interest in constraining Iran’s nuclear program—but negotiations are fraught with risk, and require a willing partner in Tehran in order to achieve real progress. With the signing of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iran agreed to suspend its nuclear …

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Iran needles the West with its growing oil production goals

Iran says it will produce 4m bpd Sceptics say it is an election ploy Exports using a ‘shadow fleet’ Iran has said it intends to raise its oil output to 4 million barrels per day from about 3.5 million bpd currently. Industry experts are sceptical about Tehran’s ambitions and say …

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Geopolitics and Challenges in Iraq’s Quest for Regional Connectivity

To advance its ambitious Development Road project, Iraq must navigate several obstacles, including inadequate infrastructure, corruption, security concerns, and a delicate geopolitical position. Last month, after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Baghdad, Iraq announced that it would join the region-wide “Development Road” project, which will link the country with Qatar, the UAE, and …

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Untangling the Motives Behind Iran’s New Energy Agreements

Beset by an unprecedented domestic energy crisis, Iran has sought to cement foreign energy deals and investment, to varied success. Though the country faces a raft of international sanctions and several major geopolitical hurdles, Iran’s oil and gas sector has seen a significant expansion in recent months—a period of growth marked by …

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Biden’s LNG freeze makes little sense from both European and the US energy security perspectives. It won’t promote a green energy transition. Most energy experts acknowledge that LNG is the principal bridge fuel necessary for a green future. And if American LNG is not readily available, it will be replaced …

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Tehran’s Hurdles In Extracting Lorestan’s Shale Oil

In recent years, Iranian authorities have often announced significant discoveries of oil and gas reserves, but, in reality, the government has faced tremendous challenges – often self-inflicted – in actually extracting these resources. In February 2017 authorities revealed the presence of two billion barrels of shale oil reserves in the …

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Iran Renews Iraq Gas Contract Amid Production Uncertainty

Despite a persistent and alarming deficit in its natural gas production, Iran recently chose to renew gas export contracts with Iraq – a decision that can have severe consequences for its own energy needs. While Iran boasts having the second largest natural gas reserves in the world, its production capacity …

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Saudi Iranian Relations Remain Cool Despite Renewed Diplomatic Ties

Hopes for increased economic cooperation between Iran and Saudi Arabia following last year’s diplomatic reconciliation have not materialized, due to historical and political factors Saudi Arabia and Iran have a long history of hostility, usually taking opposing sides in regional conflicts such as Yemen, Lebanon, and Syria. This competition, fueled by disruptive activities …

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