Sunday , September 8 2024

omid shokri

Turkey to play active role in Iraqi oil swap

إaghdad reported its highest oil production on record last August at 4.6 million barrels per day (bpd) from the country’s southern fields and exported a large portion of it. The first Iraqi-Turkish oil pipeline, built in 1976, has been ineffective in recent years in northern Iraq. Now the governments of …

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Nord Stream 2’s Future and the New era of US-Russia Competition

By exporting liquefied natural gas (LNG) to some European countries, Washington seeks to reduce their dependence on Russian gas The shale gas revolution and the U.S. becoming an exporter of energy have changed the geopolitics of energy. The U.S.’ entry into energy exports has intensified competition among traditional energy exporters. …

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The Geopolitics of Natural Gas Resources in the East Mediterranean

Currently, Mediterranean coastal countries are increasingly seeking to extract gas from the Mediterranean seabed. As the first step, these countries have undertaken numerous excavations for domestic consumption to sell the gas in a regional consumption market such as the European Union if domestic infrastructure is provided in the coming years. …

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Turkey and China One Road One Belt Project

In recent years, thanks to the development of Turkey’s transit fleet and the emergence of a vibrant and active private sector in this sector, Turkey has been able to take a fair share of the road transport market with the countries of the region by creating competitive advantages. Turkey and …

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US-China Trade War and the Future of Iran Oil Exports to China

China is self-sufficient in many respects in the old oil industry, but it still needs foreign equipment and imported advanced technologies to extract and explore oil resources. These are China’s weaknesses that need to be addressed. China’s oil industry will not be immune to US-China trade clashes and production and services may …

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Geopolitics of Increasing US Oil Production, Export Capacity

Shale gas has had a major impact on energy prices around the world. Due to Shale gas revolution, US advanced technology and innovation, America’s dependence on foreign energy sources especially the Middle East is decreasing. According to US Energy Information Agency last year US produced on average more than 5 million …

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Iran’s Interests in China’s One Belt One Road Project

The Chinese economy has recently boosted its foreign exchange earnings and substantially increased its currency reserves. The increase in China’s foreign exchange reserves and resources has provided the government with the opportunity to become one of the major actors in the supply of international relations and the global economy. China …

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Changing Energy Market Poses Threat to Qatar’s Dominance

With rising competition and innovation in the global energy sector, major gas producers across the globe are trying to strengthen their roles in the natural gas market. While Qatar has been the world’s largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter for years, this may change in the coming years. Both the …

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