Monday , September 16 2024
  • My New Book

    US Energy Diplomacy in the Caspian Sea Basin: Changing Trends Since2001 - Available on Springer

  • My New Book

    US Energy Diplomacy in the Caspian Sea Basin: Changing Trends Since2001 - Available on Amazon

Recent Articles

The fate of Iran’s energy development plans under US pressure

A recent expression of doubt by Patrick Pouyanné, the chief executive officer of France’s energy giant Total, whether to carry out cooperation with Iran has strengthened worries over the fate of Iran’s energy development projects. Omid Shokri, a Washington-based energy analyst, told Trend November 18 that “Total or any other …

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Iran’s Interests in China’s One Belt One Road Project

The Chinese economy has recently boosted its foreign exchange earnings and substantially increased its currency reserves. The increase in China’s foreign exchange reserves and resources has provided the government with the opportunity to become one of the major actors in the supply of international relations and the global economy. China …

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Energy investment fuels Saudi relations with Pakistan, India and China

Saudi Arabia uses oil and broader energy diplomacy to deepen the influence and impact of its foreign policy. One key pillar of Riyadh’s strategy is to use investment in other countries’ infrastructure to take larger shares in foreign markets and to decrease market share for rival nations. Energy diplomacy is …

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UAE Becoming a Leader in Renewable Energy

Countries across the world are planning to increase the share of renewables in their national energy baskets, particularly to generate electricity. The United Arab Emirates has an ambitious plan to become a leader in the Middle East in reducing reliance on fossil fuels and increasing renewable energy production. The United …

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Changing Energy Market Poses Threat to Qatar’s Dominance

With rising competition and innovation in the global energy sector, major gas producers across the globe are trying to strengthen their roles in the natural gas market. While Qatar has been the world’s largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter for years, this may change in the coming years. Both the …

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