Saturday , July 27 2024
  • My New Book

    US Energy Diplomacy in the Caspian Sea Basin: Changing Trends Since2001 - Available on Springer

  • My New Book

    US Energy Diplomacy in the Caspian Sea Basin: Changing Trends Since2001 - Available on Amazon

Recent Articles

Resolving Iran’s Water Crisis is Needed for Stability

Iran has always struggled with droughts in the past, but the current water shortages have led to major economic hardship – and even waves of protest, testing the government’s ability to provide basic services and maintain order. Water scarcity is a growing problem across the Middle East. It has grown …

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Emirati-Turkish Economic Collaboration Could Lead to a Political One

n the short term, Turkey’s economic situation is a good incentive for Ankara to reach an agreement with Abu Dhabi, which could greatly alleviate Turkey’s economic problems; in return, a retreat from the ideological foreign policy can do much to alleviate tensions in relations between the two countries in the …

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Chalous Gas Field Unlikely To Make Iran A Big Supplier

With a potential output worth $450 billion over its first 20 years, Iran’s Chalous gas field in the Caspian Sea, raises issues of both finance and where the gas might sell. The field, whose discovery Iran proclaimed in June and which has perhaps 3.5 trillion cubic meters (m3) of gas, reportedly is part …

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The Uncertain Future of U.S.-Saudi Energy Relations

Saudi Arabia is undoubtedly concerned by Biden’s emphasis on addressing climate change since this would mean a drop in the demand for crude oil, the backbone of Saudi Arabia’s economy. The stability of global energy markets has long been a major factor in U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia. Riyadh’s potential to increase …

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Turkey-Azerbaijan Link Fuels Iran’s Gas Dilemmas

Sitting on 17 percent of world gas reserves, Iran should have no trouble renewing a contract to supply gas to Turkey that expires in 2025. So why are there concerns in Tehran? As the Iranian Minister of Oil Javad Owji announced September, Iran faces a daily gas deficit of 200 million cubic …

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Iran Can Resolve its Gas Disputes Through Active Energy Diplomacy

The failure to resolve the problems in the Crescent contract, and the dissatisfaction on the Emirati side, show that the importance of energy diplomacy is not yet understood by the officials of the Ministry of Oil and the Iranian government. Exporting natural gas to its neighboring countries has been a top priority …

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