Saturday , July 27 2024
  • My New Book

    US Energy Diplomacy in the Caspian Sea Basin: Changing Trends Since2001 - Available on Springer

  • My New Book

    US Energy Diplomacy in the Caspian Sea Basin: Changing Trends Since2001 - Available on Amazon

Recent Articles

Iranian-Omani Gas Pipeline: A Link for Iran to the World?

Iranian-Omani Gas Pipeline: A Link for Iran to the World?

To meet its growing energy needs, Oman is looking to increase its natural gas supply above the current levels of imports brought in from Qatar via the Dolphin pipeline. While Oman also exports significant volumes of natural gas from its liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities, it has had to devote …

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The Future of Iran-Pakistan Energy Relations Seems Dim

The Future of Iran-Pakistan Energy Relations Seems Dim

With the re-imposition of sanctions on Iran, it is not just the Islamic Republic’s global, but regional energy links which have been shaken, spelling bad tidings for future economic and political cooperation. Alternatives to Iran’s drastically underinvested energy sector abound for those countries which, like Pakistan, are undertaking serious efforts …

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Iran and Saudi Arabia Compete for India’s Energy Market

India now has the highest oil and natural gas consumption in the world and will for the foreseeable future. With exorbitant and ever-increasing energy demands, India is under pressure to diversify its energy supply. Iran and Saudi Arabia are now in a race to meet India’s demand in the international …

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US sanctions and the future of Turkish-Iranian energy ties

Turkey and Iran should be natural partners when it comes to energy.

On paper, Turkey and Iran should be natural partners when it comes to energy. On the one hand, Turkey has a growing demand for oil and gas and lacks significant domestic resources, making it highly reliant on imports. On the other hand, Iran has huge hydrocarbons reserves — the world’s …

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Iran option for EU to diversify gas resources: Expert

On Nov. 29, John McCarrick, the US Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Department of State’s Bureau of Energy Resources, stated that the US opposed to multiple Turkish Stream gas pipeline projects planned by Russia to deliver gas to Turkey. To know more about the reasons behind the US concerns over …

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Supporting TAPI, S Arabia tries to decrease Iran’s regional role: Expert

The long-awaited mega gas pipeline project of Turk­menistan, Afghanis­tan, Pakis­tan and India (TAPI) connecting the energy-rich Central Asian nation with the South Asian countries was inaugurated couple of days ago, with leaders of the four countries attending its groundbreaking ceremony in Serhetabat followed by another in Herat. Considering the facts …

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Driving Iranian oil export to zero in short term not easy: Energy expert

Following the brutal killing of Saudi Journalist at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, There have been lots of tensions between Saudi rulers and their western allies particularly the US. The US President Donald Trump has had different contradictory and weak stances towards the scandal. Despite threatening serious punishments against killers …

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Iran’s joint oil fields could resolve regional tensions

Iran shares 26 oil and gas fields with its neighbors yet, due to a lack of technological and financial investment over the past years, Iran has been unable to extract a competitive amount of oil from such fields. This has led to their exploitation by Iran’s neighbors. Studies show that …

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