Saturday , July 27 2024


A long story since 2001: US energy diplomacy

So far, all U.S. administrations’ energy policies had strong ties with energy-producing countries; however, this time, Joe Biden is expected to introduce some significant changes Despite the various interpretations of preceding theories regarding international relations, there are commonalities and relations among them. At the end of the Cold War, economic …

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Iranian sanctions evasion and the Gulf’s complex oil trade

Sanctions have had a devastating impact on Iran’s oil production and exports, preventing much-needed investment in the country’s ageing fields and barring it from legally exporting crude oil to global customers. Using a range of evasion tactics, however, Iran has succeeded in circumventing sanctions and maintaining a steady — albeit …

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Iran’s Nuclear Program Might Not Be Worth the Cost

  Iran’s economy, which is heavily dependent on oil exports, has not been able to benefit from oil exports in recent years due to U.S. sanctions, the country’s foreign exchange earnings have declined. In spite of this, the Iranian government has tried to provide the necessary financial resources for the …

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Why Iran’s Sixth Development Plan Failed

It is clear that by the end of this year, the last year of the Sixth Development Plan, Iran will have failed to implement most of the goals of this program. Sanctions, domestic mismanagement and foreign policy problems have prevented Iran from attracting the necessary capital and technology by increasing …

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