Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Russia

Saudi Iranian Relations Remain Cool Despite Renewed Diplomatic Ties

Hopes for increased economic cooperation between Iran and Saudi Arabia following last year’s diplomatic reconciliation have not materialized, due to historical and political factors Saudi Arabia and Iran have a long history of hostility, usually taking opposing sides in regional conflicts such as Yemen, Lebanon, and Syria. This competition, fueled by disruptive activities …

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Shaping the Future: The 7th GECF Summit and Geopolitical Realities of the Gas Market

On the heels of its latest forum in Algiers, the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) has grown substantially in size and influence, highlighting the essential role of natural gas in balancing global energy, promoting sustainability, and addressing market volatility, technological challenges, and geopolitical tensions. The 7th Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) Summit in Algiers …

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Limitations Abound On Iran’s Ability To Boost Oil Output

Bijan Zanganeh, Iran’s former oil minister, has made bold assertions regarding Iran’s potential to significantly increase its oil production, despite minimal investments and limited access to technology. Iran’s crude oil production stood at an estimated 3,163,000 barrels per day as of January 2024, showing a slight decrease from December 2023’s output of …

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Iran’s Chabahar Space Center: Balancing Ambitions And Realities

Iran asserts that its space program is geared towards fostering scientific advancement, yet it undeniably bolsters its regional influence, and could enhance its hard power capabilities. Space is viewed as the paramount strategic vantage point, stemming from Iran’s missile program, whose advancement holds significant geopolitical implications. The inclusion of military satellites …

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Iran-Russia Arms Trade: Geopolitics And Global Implications

The military collaboration between Iran and Russia has significantly intensified since the invasion of Ukraine, with Tehran delivering offensive weapons used against civilian targets. The recent revelation by the Prana Network of Iran’s clandestine arms deal with Russia, valued at $1.75 billion, has sparked concerns about its implications on global security …

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Navigating New Horizons: The Gulf’s Dynamic Energy Landscape in 2024

In 2024, the Gulf’s energy sector is poised at a critical juncture, balancing the traditional reliance on hydrocarbons with ambitious strides toward renewable energy and economic diversification amidst global economic fluctuations and regional geopolitical tensions. The Middle East played a significant role in the global energy market in 2023, navigating the delicate …

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