Saturday , July 27 2024
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    US Energy Diplomacy in the Caspian Sea Basin: Changing Trends Since2001 - Available on Springer

  • My New Book

    US Energy Diplomacy in the Caspian Sea Basin: Changing Trends Since2001 - Available on Amazon

Recent Articles

Iran Faces Serious Challenges To Become An LNG Exporter

Iran, despite having the world’s second-largest natural gas reserves, has not yet become an LNG producer, and faces a critical shortage for essential domestic needs. Natural gas that has been cooled to a liquid form for convenient and secure non-pressurized storage or transportation is known as liquefied natural gas, or LNG. …

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Taliban Turn Back Tankers Carrying Iranian ‘Low-Quality Gasoline’

In a bizarre turn of events, the Taliban government’s standards office has returned fuel tankers carrying Iranian gasoline, deeming the product below standard. In a message on Thursday, November 29, posted on X, the Taliban stated that 24 tankers carrying low-quality Iranian gasoline were returned to Iran through the Farah’ …

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Iran Sees Less Income From Oil And Gas Exports In The Coming Year

ran’s draft budget for 2024-2025, presented to the parliament, reveals a significant decline in oil and gas export revenues, and a surge in domestic energy prices. The bill outlines a projection of 1.35 million barrels per day for oil exports at an average price of €65 per barrel (approximately $71) …

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Facing Shortages, Iran’s Net Electricity Exports Reach Zero

An Iranian official has acknowledged that the country’s net electricity export has reached zero, due to internal power deficit. Official statistics indicate that during the last three years, Iran’s electricity exports were plunging gradually, while imports increased. Mohammad Elahdad, the Deputy for Transmission and Foreign Trade at the Energy Ministry, …

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Iran Wastes Huge Oil Reserves Due To Gas Shortage

Iran’s Chamber of Commerce’s Energy Commission head, Arash Najafi, warns that the natural gas shortage not only affects many sectors but also threatens Iran’s oil fields. He emphasized that without re-injecting gas into oil deposits, some fields might become unproductive, leading to substantial economic losses for the country’s oil sector. …

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Ripple Effects of the Gaza War: Geopolitical Strains and Energy Market Shocks

The Gaza war has exerted significant pressure not only on the geopolitical equilibrium but have also sent ripples through global trade initiatives, energy markets, particularly affecting investment strategies and operations in the oil and gas sectors within the Mediterranean region. The ongoing Israel-Gaza war has dramatically increased geopolitical tensions across …

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Iran Nurtures Ambitions For The Venezuelan Oil Market

Iran’s semi-official Fars news agency has stated that Tehran envisions to boost its oil exports to Venezuela, with a target of 860,000 barrels per day within three years. This plan involves not only exporting oil but also repairing Venezuelan refineries to facilitate this export. The goal is to restore Iran’s …

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Is Iran Producing More Oil? Facts And Figures

Iran’s oil minister Javad Owji claimed on Wednesday that the country is producing 3.4 million barrels per day (mb/d) of crude oil, about 1.2 mb/d more than in mid-2021. In recent months, Owji has consistently reported oil production growth figures that contradict estimates from international entities. Both OPEC and the …

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