Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: sanctions

The U.S.-Iran Prisoner Swap: Unraveling Impacts on Gulf Security and Oil Dynamics

The recent agreement between the United States and Iran could portend well for regional security—or it could reinforce existing divisions and promote further escalatory behavior from each side, with significant economic consequences in either case. The recently announced prisoner swap between the United States and Iran has spurred debates about how it …

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Mutual Interests and Geopolitical Considerations in Iran-Venezuela Energy Ties

Key PointsMutual interests and geopolitical considerations have long influenced the Iran-Venezuela energy relationship. Iran aims to increase Venezuela’s refining capacity by revamping its refining complex and reducing its reliance on US technology.Despite the rise in petroleum prices, trade and investment between Iran and Venezuela will continue to be limited due to their …

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The Iran-Afghanistan Water Dispute: Implications, Challenges, and Potential Resolutions

Key Points Iran and Afghanistan have historically relied heavily on their shared water resources, particularly those in the Helmand River basin.  A simmering disagreement over water allocation brought on by their shared struggles with drought, climate change, and water mismanagement puts their alliance in jeopardy. Even though Iran and Afghanistan do not have …

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