Saturday , July 27 2024
  • My New Book

    US Energy Diplomacy in the Caspian Sea Basin: Changing Trends Since2001 - Available on Springer

  • My New Book

    US Energy Diplomacy in the Caspian Sea Basin: Changing Trends Since2001 - Available on Amazon

Recent Articles

The Future of Iranian Natural Gas Exports to Turkey

Reducing dependence on Iranian gas will increase Turkey’s bargaining power in gas transactions. In practice, Iranian gas will not play a significant role in Turkey’s policies, which means that it can be easily removed from them and sanctioned. The diversification of energy resources is a fundamental principle of Turkey’s energy …

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Iran Oil Exports Face a Tough Future even after the Coronavirus

Even before the coronavirus pandemic erupted, Iran’s oil exports were declining as a result of secondary US sanctions. Global oversupply amid a drastic drop in consumer demand, caused by the virus and its economic effects, will likely continue to depress Iranian exports for months to come. Prior to the US …

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The Geopolitics of Iran’s Fuel Shipments to Venezuela

The US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and sanctions on oil exports in 2018 have made the situation for Iran’s oil industry even more precarious. But US efforts to reduce Iran’s oil exports to zero have caused Tehran to sell oil in the grey market, or by using a third country. Despite the …

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Eastern Mediterranean Natural Gas Exploration Dispute

Disputes over right to explore gas in Eastern Mediterranean have become a very contentious issue during the last few years. Especially after Turkey in January 2020 signed maritime deal with the Tripoli- based Government of National Accord (GNA). Turkey signed the bilateral maritime deal with Libya in response to the …

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Coronavirus and a new crisis in the world oil market

Supply and demand are the two central elements of price stability in the global energy market. Moreover, the rate of economic growth of major energy-consuming countries such as China and India also plays an important role in market stability. In addition to these two main components, geopolitical events in major …

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The Future of Iran Energy Exports to Iraq

Major energy producing countries are using energy exports to increase political influence in consumer countries. Energy exports are one of the most important ways to create interdependence as well as stability and security in the region. Iran ranks second in the world’s gas reserves, but  domestic gas consumption increased sharply …

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